The Law of Attraction

Ever wonder how some people become successful without a background to support it? They weren’t born to a wealthy family, they didn’t inherit it or even go to a top school. Many people gain success through the law of attraction. If you have never heard of this, you would be well advised to do some research on the topic. Here you can get a start on this subject to get your feet wet and start to see how it can benefit your life.

It has been said that you are most Like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Well, there is much truth to this. The law of attraction kind of works this way. You are the product of your environment. And what I mean by this is that you have the ability to think and what to let in your mind. Since this is true, the thoughts that you think dictate your mood, state of mind, even down to your health and wealth. It all starts with what you feed your mind.

It makes sense that if you spend your time watching football, you will grow your training to like football, learn the players, teams stats etc. the Moreno time you spend doing that, the more it becomes you. Now, let’s say you have a sibling who was raised in the Same environment, but fed their mind about business. They studied entrepreneurs, markets, financial statements etc. this would become more of who they are. Neither of them are right or wrong, it just simply shows that your body and mind reacts differently to what you spend your time on.

If you watch some Tony Robbins videos on this, you will see what I mean. There is actually a biological and psychological effect from the law of attraction. This allows one to train their mind and in effect their body to snap out of a depressed or angry state and into one of happiness.

The universe does not go out of its way to help you, but it also doesn’t go out of its way to harm you. Remember this as you start to realize the law of attraction. You are the force that must move in order for it to take effect. The “law” of attraction is always in motion and you are what you let in. If you believe that you can be wealthy, and surround yourself with wealthy people or business literature, things will begin to change. Do you want that beach body, find friends who go to the gym, get a trainer etc. putting yourself  around things that are what you want makes you become who you want to be.

Here is a Tony Robbins video to get you started just click here.

Likewise, if you want to do some serious reading on this matter, get a physical copy of this book

Another great book I would recommend is think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill