Make $1,000 a month

For those of you who are either starting to earn money on your own or just want to make a little more, learning how to make $1,000 a month is very simple. Not necessarily easy at first, but you get the hang of it pretty quick. So let’s jump in to how you get your first $1,000 a month.


To start with, let’s break down the math.

there are 30 days in a month and you need $1,000.

to get this, divide 1,000 by 30 and you come to about $33.

thats only $33 a day to get $1000 a month!!

I know if you’re new to it, that sounds hard to get that every day. Well, get $66 every ther day. Or any combination of this. Just focus on the small target with the larger goal in mind.

how do you get that $33? Well, there are  many ways, you could sell items online like eBay. Maybe you’re good at something. Tutor people, repair things, mow yards. Don’t want to do that, take surveys online, make affiliate links and blog. The possibilities are endless. Just find something you  can consistently do and enjoy doing.

Now that’s not all profit!!?? Yes, just because you collect $1,000, doesn’t mean that it’s all profit and you’re up $1000. In this case, do simple math to pan out what number you need. It will take you some time to get to $1000 a month, but not a long time if you put in the work. Besides you need to get to $1,000 gross before you get to $1,000 profit. Even with s part time effort, you could easily be making an extra $1000 a month in the next 60 to 90 days if not sooner. Some routes are easier than others, but you have to do something you will stick to. It helps if you enjoy it. But find the route that best suits you. This site has many other options for you to look at when deciding which direction to go.


For now, remember, $33 a day will get you to make $1,000 a month. Write it down and look at it every day until you reach your first $1,000 a month and then just keep up the progress if you desire to grow more.


Make $1,000 A Day

Make $1,000 A Day

Setting a target is very important to your financial success. to put yourself at the top, look at how you can make $1,000 A Day. Break down the numbers. . .

$1,000/day is $365,000 per year
this puts you in top 1% of earners

$1,000/24(hours a day) means ~$40/hour

So, sell 24 items per day at $40 or 12 items at $80

Any combination of this can put you at the goal. Shoot for this, it is doable. It may take time, but extremely doable.

Grant Cardone breaks this down nicely in the following video. 10X it!



Effective Sleeping

Effective Sleeping

Ever wonder why you feel so tired? Even if you sleep many hours, you still feel exhausted. There are several reasons this can happen, and you can see how to overcome these mishaps below.

First off, it’s not the amount of hours you sleep, but the quality of those hours. Your body goes through a sleep cycle in 4 phases. When it reaches a state of deep sleep, your body is getting REM sleep or effective sleep. So, what can you do to get that effective sleep? Everyone’s body is different and will react different, but there are apps to track that especially if you have a smart watch. The important thing to monitor if you have one  is when you reach certain phases. Your body will more easily want to wake up at certain times and other times not so much. If you can wake up during those phases, you will be much happier. Note, this may be over the course of an hour and a half or so. Therefore, it may be better for you to wake up at 6 hours or 7.5 hours rather than 8. It takes a little experimentation to find your sweet spot.

Many of those who are highly successsful operate off less sleep but tend to stay energetic. How do they do this? Well, there are probably several reasons, but one reason is because they enjoy what they do. It’s much easier to get up when your leaving for vacation than it is to head to work. At least that’s the way it is for most. Imagine if you woke up each morning and looked forward to what you were going to do This whole site is dedicated to help you reach that state regardless of your goals.

Another method for helping you get effective sleep is to have a good diet. Have you ever had crazy dreams and said it must have been what’s I ate before bed? Well, this is the same principle. While your body does use a good amount of energy to process while you sleep, you shouldn’t eat right before bed; especially sugary foods. You don’t want to go to bed on an empty stomach but give it a two to thee hours before bed. If your body is working all night to get itself ready for the next day, you are going to wake up feeling tired regardless of your hours of sleep.

The same goes for what your mind processes. If you are up late watching tv or YouTube or even cramming for a test, the next morning you will most likely be tired. It’s because your mind is trying to process information it deems valuable. So it has to work much harder when you sleep trying to sort through it. Instead, if you need to get sleepy, go for a fictional story. This works very well like a bedtime story. Your mind realizes that it’s a story and helps you sleep, unlike cramming for an exam the next day. Also, it doesn’t keep your eyes focused on the artificial lights. You should gradually allow your lights to get dimmer (I.e. Form natural lights, to overhead lights to lamp lights). This tricks your mind to a natural setting.

There are several other factors that can help such as room temperature. While this is somewhat effective it doesn’t hold as much weight as the above mentioned. So long as you don’t feel too hot or too cold as to affect your comfort level. Around 72 degrees Fahrenheit  has been referred to as optimal, but this can vary greatly from person to person. So, choose a setting in which you are comfortable and keeps your mind and body from working hard all night so you can have a good night of effective sleeping and wake up excited about your day to come.


Cash flow over capital gains

Cash Flow over Capital Gains

Have you ever heard someone say, “if only I could win the lottery” or, “I could afford that if I won the lottery” ? This type of thinking is most certainly not the way to wealth, but most people can’t understand how to create wealth. It is about valuing cash flow over capital gains. What does this mean? Simply put, to gain wealth, you want to be able to see that you need money coming in consistently rather than one lump sum. The reason why is that you need to have your money work for you to buy the things that you desire. Very rarely, does a person get millions all at once, but you could build a cash flow of $100 a month. Grow it to $1,000 to $10,000 new so on.

Of course it’s easier to get started making a little and keeps it coming in rather than make a boat load of money from the start, but why else should you value cash flow over capital gains? A second reason is for tax benefits. We live in a society where our medium of exchange is a currency. That basically means it needs to flow and this optimal to keep society moving. Because you continue to spend money, you get rewarded for doing so. If you hold on to that lump sum and expect it to last through your retirement, you’re mistaken. It will depreciate 1 to3% each year and you will pay a huge sum in taxes right off the bat. Keep your money moving and invested for increased tax benefits

Take an example of real estate investing. If you flip a property and make $40,000, it sounds like a great payday. But if you don’t reinvest it, you will pay huge amounts in taxes. But, if you buy a rental property for cash flow and earn $1,000 per month you can write many of those expenses off, plus you get paid monthly from here out. You still own the asset and can take more advantage of both appreciation and depreciation.

Another reason to prefer cash flow over capital gains is that your capital gain is only good till the next one. Take for example again the real estate investment. A flip is only as good as the next one. But, with each property you buy and hold, you have a consistent stream of income plus a property that gains value as time goes on.

While, many people dream of being a millionaire or living that lifestyle, they typically don’t know the costs of what they want. . . If they even know what they want. For example, I want to travel. . Travel where? Paris, the Bahamas, Italy? You will find that for only a few thousand, you can enjoy these types of vacations. Or maybe you want high end vehicle, break the cost down and say that costs $1,500 a month. Much more reasonable than looking at the full price and much more attainable. If you want a nice home, same principle; it doesn’t take millions to live the “millionaire lifestyle”

So, this is all great, but how do you get this cash flow? The truth is, we live in a period that it is easier than ever to make money. No, not that the economy is great and high paying jobs are abundant, but we have the internet. You can make money in jobs, or traditional entrepreneurial ways, but the easiest way to start is with the help of the internet. Sell on Amazon, become an affiliate marketer, a YouTuber, trade options, invest in stocks, create apps or e books, the possibilities are endless. First, figure out your goal and determine how to earn that extra cash without having to work even harder to have it. Put your work up from and then let the system do its thing.

For more tips, check into these methods, and see other links on the site about how to get started. Check out the app cash flow to test your thinking about how to escape the rat race.

Making money with stocks

Making money in the stock market

Many people invest in the stock market. Some know what they are doing, others haven’t a clue. But, why do people put money in stocks or even perceive stocks to be something good to put your money into? Well, there is a great amount of wealth to be made with the stock market, but only if you do it correctly. The. Good news is there are numerous ways to go about it depending on your goals. So, what are some of the best ways of making money with stocks? And which one is for you?

  • Investing for retirement. This is the most traditional and hands off way to invest in stocks. Basically, you will invest your money and hope that by the time you retire, you shares will be worth more along side the dividends and capital gains you earn through the process. This is the method for those wanting very minimal time investment in the process.
  • trading stocks. For those who want a little more hands on, they may want to buy a stock in hopes of selling it in a shorter period of time for a sizeable gain. It may be anywhere from hours between trades and up to a few years. Generally long term is over a year and short term is under a year. There are day traders, swing traders,( other traders,). The only difference is the amount of time they hold their stock. The shorter amount of time one holds their stock, the more knowledge is required to be successful.
  • Note that the difference between trading and investing at its core is that traders want the up front capital gain, even though it is taxed higher and the investor wants dividends for the long term.
  • Options. This is a whole different process in itself. The concept of options is described fully in its definition () options trading has become popular because of its ease into interest and potential gains. With options, you can back out without losing your total investment. Also, you have the ability to make money in bullish or bearish markets. As long as the trend does what you are expecting, you can earn money. Options are held for short periods of time and then closed with either a gain or loss.

These are the three most basic ways to invest in stocks, each has much deeper meanings and further study to fully understand. Looking for consistent income with potential growth with minimal investment. Go for the long term investment. Making money through flipping and potentially dividend, trade stocks. If you want to make the most money upfront by trading, go for options trading. This will give you the largest gain and reduce your loss. Remember, when you do taxes, you pay more on trades you make than dividends you earn.

There are several ways to get started be it 401k, ira, Roth IRA, mutual funds, index funds, different trading platforms etc. see these in the stock investment pages.

Robinhood App

Robbinhood App

This post concerns trading stocks on a virtual platform. Specifically, it discusses the free Robin Hood App. What is so unique about this app is that for most investments concerning stock, the trades are absolutely free. What this means is for each trade, you don’t have to pay a fee of $5 -$10 for making the trade. If you buy for 10$ and sell for $12, you have gained $2. Its great for newbies and even experienced traders to get their portfolio rolling. Here, I will outline some of the key features and share my experiences with you.

  1. Free. I can’t say this enough. The app is free, and the trades are free. If you’re trading basic stocks like Ford, Amazon, PayPal etc. and you’re not using the Robinhood app, you need to switch now!!  For foreign accounts there are fees and if you do wires, there are fees. Other than that, this app is totally free.
  2. Interface: The interface is very user friendly. Just download the app, set up your account and your good to go. With the Robinhood app, you can search for the stock you want, see past performance, and real time stock price. It will give you the percent change, the changes for up to the past 5 years and display that in a chart, it will also show your holdings. If you want to do it on a computer, you have to sign up until they make it accessible. Currently, it is only for phones.
  3. Free Stocks: If you refer friends, you can get a free stock and they get a free stock. If you don’t know anyone to refer you, you can use this like and get a free stock. This will let you pick one of three question mark papers. When you pick one, scratch it to reveal your stock. Them you are the proud owner of that stock clear and free. You can sell it 3 days after you receive it.
  4. Smart watch compatible: This app is compatible with Apple Watch and other smart watch devices. I use this myself and it is very handy. Instead of pulling out my phone, I can look at my watch to see how my portfolio is doing. It will also give you the run down of current stock prices and changes.

Image result for robin hood app

To download this app, go to your phones App Store and type in Robinhood. It should be the app with a feather. It looks like the one above. Alternatively, you can click this link and receive a free stock for being referred.

I wanted to share with you my first experience with the Robinhood app. (Please note, the results are not typical on a daily basis). I placed a trade for one share of twitter around 2pm for $26.36 a share. This was the day before earnings. The following day around 11, I sold the share for $31.74. This was about a 20% gain in just under a 24 hour period. Sure, the amount wasn’t much, but the principle is, how long would it take for your bank to pay you 20%? Let’s say that you only made 2 or 3% it is still better than savings accounts. Why is this important? Because with the Robinhood app, I made the trade for free. Had I used another brokerage for one trade like that, it would have cost me at least $5, therefore only yielding me a dollar (about 4%). Even with a substantial gain like 20%, fees would eat up your profit on other platforms. This gives you the luxury to earn money on stocks in small amounts and for low costs. This truly levels the field and allows anyone to begin investing in the stock market.

The law of attraction

Ever wonder how some people become successful without a background to support it? They weren’t born to a wealthy family, they didn’t inherit it or even go to a top school. Many people gain success through the law of attraction. If you have never heard of this, you would be well advised to do some research on the topic. Here you can get a start on this subject to get your feet wet and start to see how it can benefit your life.

It has been said that you are most Like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Well, there is much truth to this. The law of attraction kind of works this way. You are the product of your environment. And what I mean by this is that you have the ability to think and what to let in your mind. Since this is true, the thoughts that you think dictate your mood, state of mind, even down to your health and wealth. It all starts with what you feed your mind.

It makes sense that if you spend your time watching football, you will grow your training to like football, learn the players, teams stats etc. the Moreno time you spend doing that, the more it becomes you. Now, let’s say you have a sibling who was raised in the Same environment, but fed their mind about business. They studied entrepreneurs, markets, financial statements etc. this would become more of who they are. Neither of them are right or wrong, it just simply shows that your body and mind reacts differently to what you spend your time on.

If you watch some Tony Robbins videos on this, you will see what I mean. There is actually a biological and psychological effect from the law of attraction. This allows one to train their mind and in effect their body to snap out of a depressed or angry state and into one of happiness.

The universe does not go out of its way to help you, but it also doesn’t go out of its way to harm you. Remember this as you start to realize the law of attraction. You are the force that must move in order for it to take effect. The “law” of attraction is always in motion and you are what you let in. If you believe that you can be wealthy, and surround yourself with wealthy people or business literature, things will begin to change. Do you want that beach body, find friends who go to the gym, get a trainer etc. putting yourself  around things that are what you want makes you become who you want to be.

Here is a Tony Robbins video to get you started just click here.

Likewise, if you want to do some serious reading on this matter, get a physical copy of this book

Another great book I would recommend is think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Value Every Moment

I was watching a video by Ryan Moran the other day on how we should value every moment. I have been following his model for selling on Amazon and it is so simple and straight forward. His message in this however, was on life itself and how we see things. The powerful view that he presents speaks to all of us in one form or another.

We have all come across it at one point or another; a feeling of wishing we could go back. While we are in the moment we can’t wait for it to pass, but as we look back, we wish we could return to that time in our life. We wish we could do things different. As we go through life, we should learn to cherish every moment, even the bad or hard times. Don’t wish time away, because we can’t get it back. See his video here.

Whatever your goals are, always strive to reach them everyday. Just remember that success is a journey and not a destination. Part of our feeling of success is not getting “there” but knowing we overcame the obstacles to achieve what we have. It is easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going so well or wishing for what we see as better things to happen sooner. But we should all try to give thanks for the trials that make us stronger and appreciate them knowing that one day, we may miss the days. You choose how to see your life and what to make of it; so choose every day to be the best and enjoy all of life as you value every moment. As Ryan says “These are the good ol’ days”.


Freedom Number

Many people have heard of the”Financial Freedom Number”. How exactly do we calculate this freedom number? There are several ways that this number comes about, but it also depends on what you are looking for. In order to get your freedom number, you have to break down how much you need financially to reach your goals. The first step is to Figure out how much your expenses are currently. As you grow your income outside of your job, you will take the profits to pay for your bills. This is the start to calculating your freedom number.

For example: Lets say your monthly bills are $2,000 per month. The first goal is to generate enough money to pay for your $2,000. Next, you will be able to estimate the cost of insurance, setting aside for retirement, eating out, entertainment etc. Once these numbers are added, lets say we are are $3,000. You then must come up with an additional thousand dollars. to be at a break even. I would look at it the way Tim Ferris spoke of in his book The Four Hour Work Week. He said that you should earn an additional 30% just to be safe. For example, if you needed $3,000, multiply that by 1.3 for a total of $3,900. Thus your true freedom number would be $3,900. 

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For examples of how to generate this type income check out the Income section of this site. There are several ways to earn this extra income, but the best way is to focus on something that takes minimal time investment to get you going. In the digital age we live in, it is now easier than ever to get a side income going and have it work for you rather than you working so hard for it.

One of the easiest ways to get you going is starting a budget which is 100% Free to do, and will get you on the fast track to success that much sooner. One of the best budget trackers is one you can get in an app. It is called Every Dollar Counts and gives you a zero based budget where you assign every dollar to do its task.